Medicinal Plants

Turmeric - Haridra (हरिद्रा)

Botanical Name -      Curcuma longa
Family                 -      Scitaminaceae
Sanskrit Name   -      Haridra, Kanchani, Nisha,
                                  Gauri, Krimighana, Hattavilasini
Hindi Name        -      Haldi, Haridra
English Name     -      Turmeric 

Part used  - Rhizome.
Pharmacodynamic properties
·          Rasa                            -           Tikta, Katu
·          Guna                           -           Ruksha, Laghu
·          Virya                           -           Usna
·          Vipaka                        -           Katu
      ·          Dosha- karma            -           Kapha-vata shamak, Pittarechak 

Chemical composition
Analysis of Indian turmeric gives following results – moisture 13%, protein 6.5%, water 3.5%, fiber 2.6%, carbohydrate 69.4%, Vit A 50 IU per gm. A ketone C13H22O and an alcohol C9H11OH, identified as polymethyl carbinol, have been obtained from the volatile distillate. Its rhizome contains a volatile oil,  curcumin.
Action and Properties  
a. Ayurvedic indications - kusthaghana and vranashadhak -ropak. Fumes of haridra useful is hiccough and asthama. Kusthaghna, Lekhaniya, Kandughna, Vishaghna .It is used as stomachic & blood purifier. Fresh juice from the rhizome or decoction is used in the treatment of leprosy, snakebite, skin disease, inflammation of joints and allergies. According to Vagbhatta, haridra is the drug of choice of prameha.
b. Modern evaluations
1.      It causes vasodilation when applied on the mucous membrane. The paste of haridra is anti-inflammatory, analgesic.
2.       The antioxidant property of curcuma powder is probably due to phenolic character curcumin. The choleratic action of the essential oil is attributed to poly methyl carbinol. The dyestuff act as a cholagouge stimulating the contraction of gall bladder. (Indiglnous durg of India, IInd Ed.).
3.      It is carminative, cholegague and wormicidal. It act as a blood purifier and helps in diuresis. The result obtained after fractional test meal on different individuals shows that the administration of curcuma oil is followed by a marked diminution of secretion of the acids in the stomach. 
4.      Paste is useful in traumatic inflammatory and painful swellings. It is very useful for the suppuration of unsuppurated wounds. Powder of haridra is very effective in wound healing.
5.      The antibacterial properties of the oil were tested on Staphylococcus aureus, S. albus and Bacillus typhosis. Growth of the cultures of above mentioned bacteria’s were inhibited in concentration up to 1:5000. The growth of cultures of B. typhosis was not inhibited in a concentration up to 1:1000.
6.      Anti-inflammatory activity of haridra were reported by several researchers. Wagner (New Natural Products, 1977 page 222) claims that curcumin posses local and systemic anti-inflammatory properties.
7.      Curcumin is useful in patients who are prone to vascular thrombosis and require anti arthritic therapy as it prevents platelate aggregation and also prevents prostaglandin synthesis so act as NSAID.( Arznei Forsch (36(1) no.4: 1986; page715-717)
8.      Extract of Curcuma longa exihibits an anti inflammatory activity in standard animal models. Curcumin and volatile oil are in part responsible for the action (Aman HP, Wahi MA, Pharmacology of Curcuma longa. Planta Med. 1991 Feb; 57(1): 1-7
9.      The antibacterial activity of essential oil of Curcuma longa is quite marked. It is relatively better against Salmonella paratyphi, Staphylococcus aurus, Klebsilla. Minimum dose required for formation of zone of inhibition has been found to be 0.1 ml (Anup Banerjee, S.S. Nigam, Journel of Resin Ind. Med. Yoga & Health Vol XII No 1-1977).


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